Page name: suggestions for wiki-ratings [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-09 13:25:27
Last author: Lady Chaos
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Suggestions for wiki-ratings

Here are a few suggestions for the new wiki ratings concept... They're not orders, just suggestions... anyone feel free to add their own.

The meanings of ratings could be made a little simpler with ratings 1-10+ rather than 1-100+. It's not a big deal, but it just seems easier to read, e.g...
0 = page not rated / not rated yet
1 = page not particularly worth looking at / does not deliver what it promises
2 = page worth looking at only if you are interested in the subject
5 = page interesting/creative/funny and well-written enough so that even if you are not interested in the subject it might be worth a look.
10+ = page totally out of this world with awesomeness, so cool in fact that even if you have no interest whatsoever in the subject, you will enjoy it.

Perhaps mention whether a page is interactive or joinable, e.g. contests.

Sometimes there are a group of pages for one subject, e.g. different pages for advice topics in the Christian Advice wiki. Perhaps index pages should be considered when this is the case, but referring to all the pages in the index. This means that wikis with a lot of info on them can be split into 2 or 3 pages and still get rated as a whole.

A great idea would be to have the option of averaged ratings - the more council members who rate a page, the more accurate the rating will be, right? Just sum all the ratings given and divide by the number of people who rated it.

Perhaps allow a few long-time non-council ET members rate the wiki pages? There's a lot of awesome pages out there that aren't being watched by council members.

A lot of people want their pages rated, or may know of a great page that they think should be rated, but they don't want to be made to feel like egotists for asking. There should be somewhere people can list pages they want rated.

Pages change, if someone feels their wiki got a crappy rating, or change their page and want it re-rated, maybe there should be someplace specific they can ask about it without offending whoever rated it.

- [Lady Chaos]

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2006-07-09 [iippo]: Just a quick reply to one point on the average-thing: it was considered and we didn't see the point of it because if someone gives a rating of 10 and another one wants to give it 30, they can do the math and give it 60 and the average will be 30. If someone find a rating disagreeable, it will be discussed with the crew and modified if that's the result. But good job on thinking up how to improve and the constructive criticism, instead of just complaining like a lot of people do. :)

2006-07-09 [Lady Chaos]: Hmmm, that's a good point, I hadn't thought of that... I wish there was something that could be done (without using good ol' popularity-contest polls) so that the ratings are something other than one person's opinion though...

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: 1-10+ works in the same manner as 1-100+: the levels are the same, only with an extra 0 added. // The part about whether a page is interactive and joinable, doesn't that fall under the 'friendly' category? // I'm not sure I get the index-comment...can you explain again? :) // The rating-ability is given to Councilmembers only in an effort to not have it turn into a popularity contest. If there are pages being missed, they really should be suggested on about wiki-ratings :/ If the ratings-feature is worked out more, maybe then we can start going around asking non-councilmembers to help rate wikipages.. .

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: Remember that the feature is new: we're also just humans and we're trying to figure out how to make this work. We don't automatically know the best way to handle this new feature, it will only get better in time when more and more pages are in the ratings.. . As [iippo] said the ratings can always be changed, they aren't per definition the final rate that will ever be given.. . If someone finds they improved their wiki, they can bring it up again. It might be a good idea though to create a different place where wikis can be suggested (and recorded).

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: And I agree with [iippo] that this suggestions wiki is more helfpful than what has been going on the previous days :)

2006-07-09 [shotokan_gal]: 1-10+ works in the same manner as 1-100+ Not really :/ because it seems to imply (correct me if I'm wrong) that any not-rated wiki (i.e. rating 0) isn't worth visiting at all. And presumably the point of the rating was to put the *best* wiki pages in one place for people to see, but not rate every single wiki in elftown or risk offending their owners, or to say that non-rated wikis are rubbish. In the system on the other page - 1 is good, not just seen as the lowest rating, If that makes sense.

2006-07-09 [shotokan_gal]: The index thing, I thought was already done :) For example, art contests - which is a list of lots of contests, all held on different pages.

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: I don't follow you, how does it imply that? Instead of implying the wiki may just not have been viewed by a rater? // Rating 1 would be good in both systems, it's however still the lowest rating (besides 0) in the whole scale.

2006-07-09 [shotokan_gal]: It's the lowest yes, maybe I'm just reading it wrong. But currently a wiki getting any rating (even 1) is put onto the list of most-artistic (etc). The above implies that any artistic wiki page worth visiting (i.e. that shows art in some form or other - based on the difference between the desciptions of 1 and 0 above) should have at least a rating of 1. And by that argument I'd rate every personal art wiki which I come across (providing it actually had art in it - which most do), but I don't. And neither does everyone I had thought. And rating 0, I assumed means no rating, whether the wiki had been visited by a council member or not.

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: Ah, in that sense I think right now we're rating the best of the best, which means simpler wikis that are in some way still worth visiting are not rated as much yet. However, I don't think a wiki containing art immediately makes it worth a visit. Not rating it doesn't mean it's bad, but rating it does mean it’s good enough to send everyone there to look at it. The rating-system will slowly change when more and more wikis are added and a clearer difference in levels appears. If then the best wikis are close to 100, it will be easier to add wikis of 1. I don't think this problem changes when you change the scale, it will only change with rating more wikis.

2006-07-09 [shotokan_gal]: True, which I suppose only disputes the 0 rating then (or not being rated). Perhaps that's something that can be clarified to the general public overall if it's a common misconception - that if you're wiki isn't rated then it isn't worth visiting at all / doesn't contain what it should. Which obviously isn't the case, but maybe some people think that? (based on [Lady Chaos]'s opinion on the 0-rating above)

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: Well, how to describe in short what a 0-rating is?

2006-07-09 [shotokan_gal]: Well I wouldn't call it that ^ above (non-exported wikis aren't rated anyway). It just means they don't deserve the extra attention of being 'the most artistic wiki pages', yet anyway. Maybe like you say when everyones more used to wiki ratings, some can be higher, and more can fill in the gaps left in the lower numbers. For example (if it was exported, let's assume it is for the moment) I wouldn't rate my own art wiki, because while I want people to visit it of course, I don't see why it should have extra attention - or be on that list of the 'most artistic' yet. And so far it doesn't look like most council members are rating their own wikis either - but that doesn't mean...

2006-07-09 [shotokan_gal]: ...they consider the wiki worthless. I hope I'm making some sense here :/ I'd call a non-rated wiki your everyday day to day one (how everything was before the rating system came along). And a rated one, an extra special / good / useful one. At the moment anyway. Otherwise we'd surely be faced with the prospect of rating every public wiki on elftown into some kind of scale.

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: You wouldn't call it a 0-rating or..? So then the question still remains how we can best describe non-rated wikis in the shortest way possible..

2006-07-09 [shotokan_gal]: Sorry, I meant I wouldn't call it a page not particularly worth looking at / does not deliver what it promises - the definition above. Which I think is the misconception (especially as non-exported wikis aren't rated at all - does that make them useless). I don't really know, not very helpful I know. Perhaps emphasise that not all wikis are rated, and it's (at the moment) used on the best ones, not necessarily every one. *shrugs*

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: It was sort of clear there were going to be issues with this feature, now to figure out how to best go about them..

2006-07-09 [shotokan_gal]: Well I've re-read the ratings page and under criteria there's Firstly there has to be good content on the page, but that's not enough. The page also has to be unique or best in some way. Perhaps that part of it could be emphasised a little more to the public (somehow) :P

2006-07-09 [Sunrose]: But rating 1 says it doesn't have to be the best of it's kind per say :/

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